Benefits Of The DASH Diet
The DASH diet among other things, usually educate and coach those with hypertension on the best diet aimed at minimizing the adverse effects of high blood pressure. By following the DASH diet, it is possible that heart diseases, stroke, and kidney stones risk are reduced to manageable levels.
Benefits Of The DASH Diet
Many health researchers have proved that when a person who is suffering from the hypertension follows the guidelines under the DASH diet, he or she is able to control the blood pressure in the body. High blood pressure is one of the major causes of death among in the world. Moreover, high blood pressure also contributes to high incidences of diabetes, heart diseases, and osteoporosis.
These diseases are also difficult to cure as they are lifetime-illness. It is for this reason that the DASH diet advocates for preventive measures rather than treatment which may not be possible with some people due to high medication cost.
High cholesterol levels in the blood are often harmful to human health. This is because it contributes to the thickening of blood vessels thus putting human life at risk.
The DASH diet contains foods with fewer or no cholesterol at all. Foods like fruits, low-fat dairy products, and vegetables in the DASH diet is known to work well in minimizing the chances of hypertension in the long run.
Several foods in the DASH diet have the capability of reducing the sodium levels in the body.
Many health experts suggest that under the normal circumstances, a healthy human body requires 2400 mg of sodium in a day. As compared to traditional foods, this level of sodium might go up to 3500 mg which is considered harmful especially in regulating the blood pressure.
High sodium levels contribute to the rise in the blood pressure thus resulting to hypertension and if it goes unattended, death may occur eventually.
Apart from solving the hypertension problems, the DASH diet contains a lot of fiber which goes in hand in aiding smooth digestion in the stomach. Effective digestion means that all the basic nutrients are absorbed to the body system which equally translates to effective energy levels in the body and thus, more fats are burned down.
When the accumulated fats are reduced, there are high chances that the person will reduce the overwhelming weight in the long run. Therefore, the DASH diet is the best as compared to the traditional diet.
Finally, patients who usually complain of inflammation of the body tissues especially the heart are beneficiaries of the DASH diet. DASH diet has low levels of cholesterol. High cholesterol thickens the blood vessels which eventually reduce their effectiveness as blood rich in oxygen may not reach other parts of the body. A patient with thickened blood vessels usually appear tired because of poor oxygen circulation in the body. It is for this reason that DASH diet is specially recommended for those patients suffering from hypertension so as to prolong their lives.