Get Six Pack Abs: It’s a workout mantra LOTS of people live by — “NO PAIN, NO GAIN!” You’ve probably heard tons of guys and girls in the gym saying this, and even trainers saying it to motivate their clients. It seems like one of those things that’s said so much, it MUST be true. But is it really? In this video, I’m going to de-construct this myth and show you why more pain does NOT necessarily equal more muscle gain. I show you the type of “pain” or discomfort that IS beneficial, and which shows that you are building muscle. And I show you the types of “pain” that break down and destroy your muscles, and which you must avoid at all costs. I show you… …why you should NOT fight through sharp pains in the gym…and also, the type of pain which is good and which you
is it just me or the pain in the next day feels good
@pinkdice07 I have been working out and getting results for over a year now, you don’t have to have pain the next day however if you don’t push yourself hard in workouts and you don’t at least feel lactic acid pain working out then you should really reconsider your work outs
What about doing abs? I feel the lactic acid in my abs when I’m working on them. Is that really a bad thing? I always thought it’d be a good thing cuz then it’s like a cardio/getting cut
Hehe he said long and hard… Sorry I just watched Family Guy and Beavis and Butthead.
Feeling the pain is good, You know what your muscle has recovered fully and can tear as much fibre as you can
lol XD, which movie was it??
please don’t do that arnie impersonation that was shocking . And your over using the word “go ahead and do ” this n that !
Hehe dork
You can’t avoid the burn completely. It’s also a different pain when you are maxing out bro
I workout every 2nd day, i do 3 sets of 10 on everything, with weight i almost struggle with and i dont feel pain the next day?
Stimulate the muscle, don’t strain it.
ive recently just got back in to training and after i do a work out about 30 mins later i get a really bad headache and i have to go to bed, this has happend 3/3 times now and all 3 times i have been hydrated and on a good diet …do you no anything that could help or that im doing wrong? its normally when i run on the treadmill
Was this guy trying to be funny at the beginning or something?
Please answer these questions, you’re the only reliable source on the web.
With doing sit-ups, I only feel the lactic acid burn, and they are rarely sore much at all the day after a workout. Am I still building any muscle at all?
also, I do about 20-30 reps with bicep curls and bench presses…Does this mean I am not building any muscle at all with my current workout?
So here you say that high reps make lactic acid yet you have a shoulder super set video that all together is around 35 reps a set! Why is that?
@1irobot1 i was thinking the same thing .. i keep my reps from 10 to 15. i here bodybuilders say they feel the burn and the pain.. and look at mma fighters they do high repititions and they have muscles
@Dunnie771 well ive only been going for a month now so im not going to expect HUGE results atm but yeah i can feel it while im working out.
@MrJsnansen1980 Hahaha I believe that bro, all my Samoan mates are naturally beasts, they don’t need to work out and they look good.
0:37 Actual video starts
Before that, he’s being just a dick…
I liked you doing the Arnold thing it was funny.