Dominic’s KEY to getting in shape: What’s up sixpackshortcutters! Today we’re going to hear the inspiring story of how Dominic lost over 80 lbs. of fat. Dominic has been a client of mine for years, and it’s been truly amazing to watch him transform from being overweight to being in the great shape he’s in today. Just a few years ago, Dominic was 260 lbs and very overweight. And he was frustrated because it seemed hard for him to stick to any workout program or diet plan long enough to make progress. Today, Dominic weighs in at a lean 180 lbs and his life is totally different. He’s totally transformed his body in a way that most people only dream of…and he’s still getting in BETTER shape each month! In this video Dominic tells you how he did it, and shared his #1 key
i have the whole program send me message if you want
that means he’s not a fucking kid. he doesn’t have to whine about everything. lots of families are in recession and cannot afford to eat good everyday. i grew up in a house with empty fridge, i never complained. i started working when i was 13. now im a self made millionaire. just cuz ur 14 doesn’t mean you get to complain about everything.
whats a lean weight to be if your 5ft 10″ ?
Hey I was wondering did you have alot of loose skin after that dramatic weight loss.
Thanks 🙂 Awesome way to put it!
How long did it take to loose so much fat? It couldn’t of happened quickly, how many months did it take?
lol ok
Im 15 so i kinda have the same problem but dude just cook your own food. Let your family eat what they want and you biy and cook the things you want.
Im about a good 120 pounds , is that good enough to get 6packs ?
My abs are like yours, you can’t change the way your abs are laid out and positioned as it’s down to your genes. I’ve seen plenty of cover models who’s abs aren’t ‘normal’ i.e. they don’t line up with each other and they still look awesome. It’s completely natural and nothing to worry just keep training hard and eating right……’ll have a six pack in no time!
i have the whole program send me message if you want
i already am doing that. i do like 3 sets of 30 on each push up variation. i don’t know what more i can do. shall i just go to failure?
My friend, it is indeed 100% genetics, basically the definition of the “six” abs are indentations in the muscle and where they connected all sinew and all. However, please do not be discouraged, six pack abs are still preferable to a gut of fat isn’t it? And short of a gross mutation, from what I’ve seen, toned asymmetrical abs are just as respectable.
Mike! I started phase IV. I accomplish my 4-pack abs. I didnt lost much weight in phase III, but i won muscle in the abdominal area. Thank you for the results, and people of youtube, buy this guy programme. Serioulsy.
cuz you still got fat on you
still try to get abs though, non symmetrical abs look better than no abs at all
no, that’s genetic
basically, you’re screwed
i did the same thing but there is one thing me and that guy wil never have and that is a 6 pack because of to much skin you wont be able to see them i trained my abs for a year and no result my arms are ok my legs my shoulders but my chest and abs will always look untrained
You don’t train your abs to get a six-pack.. You lose more excess fat and do exercises to make your skin tighter like barbell twists.
i have the whole program send me message if you want