Build muscle & get ripped: Hey sixpackshortcutters…y’all ready for some AFTERBURN TRAINING? In this episode I’m going to show you a simple Afterburn workout that you start doing to get a ripped body and six pack abs. I’ve posted some videos on heavy compound lifts before, and some on high intensity cardio…but in this one, I show you how to put them both together to maximize the Afterburn Effect. Here’s how to do it: SQUATS: 2 warm-up sets (15-20 reps with a very light, non-challenging weight) 5 work sets For beginners, your “work sets” that I refer to in the video will be 8-12 reps with the heaviest weight you can do while still keeping strict form. When you’re first starting, make sure your form is excellent and only move up in weight if you are able to keep your
@risewiththefallen011 what??
that was not a squat it was a joke
Wow Mr. Mike Chang, I must say that you’re in such great shape!!!8DD
You Encourage me sooo much!!! Just you wait n see!! With me working out at the gym, and, again (hopefully) you being able to help me although I live in Pittsburgh with stuff such as me eating the right foods and learning how to do your exercises the right way, I’ll be there in no time at all!!!!!8DDDDD
You don’t squat low enough!
@StansStudio yea he looks like a user who doesnt know how to train
i enjoy the simplicity of your videos they are great for beginners
I can never find a cool Nike tank like that where you find that ha
are the weights suppose to be facing inward so that the part that shoes how much the weight is facing towards the inside?
I’m about to go to the gym and try this out with your shoulder work out. Is it wise to put these two workouts together?
I tried this like 3 days ag… the effect are still left on my legs lol
Unless you have a knee problem that is limiting your range of motion, you should be going to at least parallel on your squats and lunges. Is there a reason you are limiting your range of motion?
Great training and I know it coz i have hard time walking down the stairs and back now lol
I was wondering if anybody could help me out. I’m trying to gain muscle mass and at the same time get a 6 pack. I have a 4 pack right now, but I still have that annoying lower stomach fat there. What do I do to get rid of it and at the same time gain weight? Do I continue to do abs 4 times a week? Do I do cardio? PLEASE HELP!
someone should teach you how to squat before u try and teach others… u dont squat in the hole what so ever good quarter squats lol
nice squ–.
come on man, you gotta go at least parallel! 😛
Why aren’t you squatting all the way?
you should be teaching beginners ATG squats, these partial squats will not be beneficial for a beginner
@soori20 your knees will always go forward and past toes in correct squats
I’m 13 and I want to lose thigh fat what can I do to lose it and then gain mussle in my thighs
@dariganz If he were to add more weight it would be easier to go lower.. Light weight like he said makes it harder to go lower..