Friend us: Breastfeeding Baby on Drugs, are Psych Med Safe? Moms on Meds, Amy Philo & John Breeding Breastfeeding is the healthiest option for mom and baby in most cases. It provides all of the nutrients that babies need and also helps stabilize a mother’s hormone levels and can even assist in weight loss. But is it really safe to take psychiatric drugs while pregnant or breastfeeding? In this video, Amy Philo and Dr. John Breeding discuss this issue and tell you why it is NOT safe to take these drugs while breastfeeding. Amy was taking Zoloft while breastfeeding her first child, and her baby became so sedated within 10 days of birth that they were rushed to hospital. Effexor has some of the worst effects, because of its high concentration in breast milk. Babies influenced
you can’t just stop taking psycho-pharma. it can take months to get off that crap
@aquia80 Thanks for telling me what “the issue” is.
What about pre labor? In the blood stream would that effect the babys development?
while these deaths are tragic- not offering any secondary ideas or choices in this video instead guilting and shaming women who are already dealing with life threatening situation is shortsighted and dangerous. You would rather a woman breastfeed and keep her mental health than take her off her medications and risk harming herself or her baby is that what you’re saying? you didn’t’ provide a caveat or any way to discern in this video.
Baby killing for pleasure and profit through psychiatry with grief counseling as a follow-up. It is all about the money with the mental health profession.
@LifeInNewJersey That’s not the issue here. I can go on about the flaws in your logic, but I won’t. Have you ever been pregnant? Some pregnant women have such a hormone overload and become depressed. The problem is that doctors are quick to prescribe anti-depressants when a patient is pregnant. Doctors claim they are safe to use during pregnancy and people trust their doctors to do what is best for their health. The same thing is happening with blood pressure medication.
@brentpieczynski Agreed 100%
odd thing is that even drinking while pregnant is considered a risk.. same with drinking & breast feeding.. how is this better? Breast feeding is what you want.. to do, its much better than the alternative however what I’m getting is that there is a conscious effort to test these drugs on the pregnant & nursing.. at the cost of their lives.
Breast feeding done is a definite preventive to post pregnancy “depression” as well as good nutrition.
@slvclw yes, there are several class action lawsuits centered around antidepressants and birth defects. Effexor and Paxil have both been implicated to causes birth defects in particular. Effexor settled a class action lawsuit last year related to birth defects.
How about not getting pregnant if you’re on medication? Or, using birth control if you’re on them?
The $ystem views us as a market to be exploited. (period)